The Friends of Bushey Museum published annually a Journal for Members from 1988 to 2019. They contain a wide range of interesting articles covering Bushey, Herkomer's School of Art, and the many artists who studied at his - and other Bushey - Art Schools, plus lots more! Below you'll find all of the 24 published Journals.
No. 16 - Summer 2019
Early Motor Cars in Bushey and their Owners Ian Read on the men and woman and their magnificent machines.
- Sanger’s Circus Janet Murphy tells us about the comings and going of a circus dynasty.
- Lucy Kemp-Welch Dr Geri Parlby on Bushey’s well loved artist.
- World Champion Road Haul Ian Read on the heaviest piece of machinery ever transported on the roads at that time.
- God’s Shrine Allison Fritsche on Herkomer the painter so famous and celebrated through his portraits, gave us a picture without people.
- Out to Play Mollie Thomas remembers the sights and sounds of the 30’s.
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No. 15 - Winter 2017
Memories of a Student. Part 2 of Mary Sloane's student days with Herkomer.
- The 1st Bushey Scout Troop. An illustrated article about this Troop.
- Joseph Syddall, An artist born in Chesterfield and studied with Herkomer.
- William Chewett. Written by Katherine Chewett on a Canadian pioneer with a Bushey connection.
- Memories of Mollie Thomas living in Bushey from the 1927 to 1949.
- Emily Carr, one of Canada's esteemed painters: an article by Pat Woollard.
- Herkomer Konkurrenz - a 2016 re-run of the Rally first established by Herkomer in 1905.
- Ivy House School: a short-lived local school.
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No. 14 - Autumn 2016
Memories of a Student Mary Sloane remembers her student days with Hubert Herkomer.
- This Happy Breed Philip Kirby talks about the Noel Coward classic.
- Evacuees - The story of two Sisters Jennifer Parker talks to Eileen and Beatrice Law.
- John Williams V Tony Woollard tells the history of a model ship.
- Bushey Grove Apple Katharine Whitaker and our locally named apple.
- A Goal to the Heath Recollections of Mollie’s early life on the Heath.
- The Locked Shed Robert Norman and a mystery building.
- Down your Street The history of Herkomer Road.
- Feedback Comments on past articles.
- Ashfield School Football Teams 60 years apart The changing faces of a local football team.
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No. 13 - Summer/Autumn 2015
The Chewett Diaries Fascinating insight of life from the turn of the 19th century
- That Reminds Me Mollie Thomas remembers life in the 30’s
- A Remarkable Coincidence Dianne Payne and a chance encounter
- Sporting Bushey Audrey Adams and local sporting hero’s
- Reveley's ‘Secret’ Journals Barry Hyman uncovers the Ladies’ Home Journal
- Moina Belle Michael - The Poppy Lady Janet Murphy tells the story of how we came to love the poppy
- What is the connection between Bushey, Chesterfield and Scarborough? Janet Murphy takes you on an historic journey
- Herkomer- Founder of Car Rallying in Germany Philip Morgan responds
- ‘A little piece of Belgium in Bushey’ Katherine Whitaker and Toc H
- Bushey Hall from the Air Could it be from a balloon?
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No. 12 - Summer 2014
The Dixey family of Bushey Hall Road. Shirley Childs talks about her family.
- Herkomer: Man of many parts. Hugh Lewis on the great man.
- Memories of St. James Youth Club. Les Allen-Williams remembers.
- Bushey’s First World War Recruitment Songs. Dianne Payne and little Belgian.
- Bushey and it’s Buses: ‘Then and Now’. Ian Read on the same route.
- The Bushey Fire Brigade. Janet Murphy on its history.
- Bushey Heath Christmas remembered. Mollie Thomas on Christmas past.
- The Flying Bomb. Mollie and the near miss.
- Today’s Jewish Community in Bushey. An update from Barry Hyman
- Where are you now? Les Allen-Williams tracks them down.
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No. 11 - Summer/Autumn 2013
The Artist and the Grocer Dianne Payne on Sir Hubert Herkomer and Sir Thomas Lipton.
- Early days: The Heath remembered Mollie Thomas looks back to her childhood.
- Memories of WW2 in Bushey Heath Mollie remembers her war.
- The Beginnings of the Local Jewish Community Dianne Payne investigates.
- How it all began The late Bryan Wood on starting the Bushey Museum Trust.
- Onwards and Upwards: Part 2 Pat Woollard on Bushey Museum.
- Early motorbus services through Bushey Ian Read recounts public transport in Bushey.
- Bushey-on-Thames... or the Colne flowing backwards Dougie Chowns looks back in time.
- Where are you now? Church Youth group of St James’ Open Youth Club
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No. 10 - Summer/Autumn 2012
The British Newspaper Archive Janet Murphy on Herkomer in the press
- A Life-line and a Legacy Dianne Payne on Florence Derham
- Bushey, St James- M.I.Day John Pearson on kerbs, headstones and crosses
- Bushey Cycle Speedway Club Around the local track
- Life on Bushey Heath in the 20s and 30s Jennifer Parker talks to Shirley Goslett
- Mrs Middleton and Bushey Crested China Christopher Jordan on Goss
- Rough Justice? Dianne Payne and the law
- Some more Bushey Characters T W Hedges on Johnnie Green
- Choral Singing in Victorian Bushey ‘A well-trained group of singers’
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No. 9 - Winter 2010/11
Four years in the WAAF Patricia Elton on serving in the WAAF between 1941 and 1945
- Grant Longman (1932-2010) Alec Just gives a personal appreciation
- Feedback Janet Murphy
- Grant Longman, landscape historian Tom Williamson
- Caldecote Towers Education has been part of this building since 1891 Janet Murphy
- Bushey in Bradshaw's Guide
- Qualities of a Museum Curator Hugh Lewis
- Some Bushey Characters T W Hedges steps back in time
- Mrs Amy Wheelwright
- Bushey people aged over 90? The 1851 census occupies Alec Just
- Landscape painting in Wales Anne Blessley looks at Herkomer's visit
- Bushey Hall through soldiers eyes Dr Michael Pritchard provides an insight into Bushey Hall
- Music in Bushey Janet Murphy
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No. 8 - Spring/Summer 2009
The Shackleton Family in Bushey Dr Desna Greenhow on her family's history.
- A Bushey boy at Benskins Bryen Wood on working as a young man.
- Bushey Hall Janet Murphy describes this Bushey house.
- Bushey 'Darby and Joan' Club Molley Braine presents her researches
- From Dr Pat Shackleton's Surgery Bryen Wood discovers a Doctor's notes.
- A tribute to Bryen Wood MBE The eulogy given by Jim Craig-Gray at Bryen Wood's funeral is reproduced in full.
- Bushey Crimes Michael Pritchard describes past crimes.
- Flint Hall Grant Longman
- A Bushey Childhood Extracts from the letters of T W Hedges.
- Scott's Sledgemeter Ken Ming
- Strangers Still Bryen Wood
- The Bushey British School for Boys Grant Longman
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No. 7 - Winter/Spring 2006/7
Bushey's First Bank Richard Garner describes the history of the London and South Western Bank
- 'O wad some Power the giftie gie us to see oursels as ithers see us!' Michaela Kaiser from Landsberg reports on her seven weeks in Bushey and describes some the differences with Germany
- Bushey Sixty Years Ago Frank Palmer recalls living in Bushey through the cold winter of 1946-1947
- Some Memories of Lynleigh School Reminiscences of this small school and it's teachers from Carolyn Noble
- The Spider's Web An advertisement prompts Bryen Wood to ask for more recollections
- The Lost Gardens of Bushey Janet Murphy recalls some of Bushey's glorious gardens
- The Adams Clarke and Shackleton Families in Bushey Dr Desna Greenhow describes part of her family history in Bushey from the 1870s
- The Bushey Rose Garden Kate Hardwood describes the garden designed by Thomas H Mawson for Sir Hubert von Herkomer
- Feedback Bushey Open Air Swimming Bath, Rosedale/The Warren and the early days of Bushey Museum are all subject of correspondence
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No. 6 - Winter 2005/6
Onwards and Upwards Pat Woollard recalls 20 years of the Friends from the impetus for its formation, some of the personalities and recent events
- The Jersey Cow An obscure aspect of Bushey's farming past is described by Tony North
- Feedback Bushey's mystery gun is revealed
- Nature Study Dennis White remembers a schoolboy adventure in Bushey
- Rosedale / The Warren The history of a Bushey house by Sue Matoff
- Bushey Museum's Art Collection Anne Blessley surveys the Museum collection and the collecting rationale behind it
- Bournemead - An Obituary Bryen Wood recalls an important and now recently demolished house
- Herkomer and Nationality Recent research by Michael Pritchard throws new light on Herkomer's life
- Before BUPA Hospital Bryen Wood reports on Grove Cottage on the site of Bushey Heath Clinic
- George Douglas Machin Janet Murphy on a Bushey illustrator who had a career in print as 'Mac'
- 'Herkomer's Bed' A new Museum acquisition from Lululaund
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No. 5 - Winter 2004/5
Bushey Woodcraft Folk Laura Craig Gray recalls her experiences
- Elstree Aerodrome Dennis Evans MBE
- Sparrows Heme Hall Sue Matoff describes the Hall's history
- King George Recreation Ground Mavis Filer remembers 'the Rec'
- The Friends' Holiday Autumn 2004 Frances Hurndall reports on the trip
- The Mary Williams Collection A report on a major Museum acquisition
- Bushey Heath Clinic Bryen Wood
- Portrait of Two Artists: Mary Godsal's diaries describe life in Bushey and at the Herkomer School, by Kevin Matthias
- The St James' Wayfarers John Storey remembers a Bushey youth club
- The Broken Bulldozers Revd Vivienne Lake recalls her childhood
- Professor Herkomer and his Art Colony
- A Day'S Ride D W Parry remembers cycling 1950s Bushey
- Bushey Grange Farm Derek Fowers lived at the farm cottages
- More than a Museum Alec Just
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No. 4 - Autumn 2003
Coronation Festivities of 1953 Janet Murphy describes the local planning and events for the coronation of Elizabeth II
- Nelson's Fighting Sword
- Museum Life Hugh Lewis reports part way through his year as Friends' Chairman and Marion Gee gets feedback from children about the museum
- R C Tween Ltd, Bushey Chemist Gordon Reid looks at the history of this long-established local business
- 100 Years Ago - the story of the Royal Masonic School in Bushey is described by Gordon Metcalfe
- Howton, Bushey Heath Sue Matoffhas researched the history of the house and owners
- Too Good to Lose? Alec Just looks to the future
- Arthur Bourchier Michael Pritchard describes this well-known actor and local resident
- The Bushey War Memorial Janet Murphy
- Edward Vll's coronation Anne Blessley tells what Herkomer did
- The Spider's Web Bryen Wood reports on new discoveries
- A Short History of Reveley Lodge Janet Murphy and Bryen Wood
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No. 3 - Autumn 2002
People are Dying to Get In Barry Hyman relates the history of the Jewish cemetery and their burial customs
- The Busy Bee, The Spider's Web and The Beehive Bryen Wood
- Burnt Farm John Storey recalls the days Of the farm before it became part of the Jewish cemetery
- All Sorts, Shapes and Sizes June Wood takes a look at some of the costumes in the Museum collection
- The Local History Recorder Scheme A countywide project to record current history in local areas is reported on by Jane Parker
- The Local Studies Centre Audrey Adams re views recent work
- Field and Hemley Ltd History about this local firm from John and the late Harold Hemley
- The Manor House This lost house described by Janet Murphy
- Green Line Coach Services Ian Read details the history of this well known coach service
- Fifty and Twenty-Five Years Ago
- Poole Pottery and Rosary Priory Chris Jordan on a plaque of local interest
- Van Gogh and Herkomer Bushey artist Douglas Chowns describes one artist's empathy with another
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No. 2 - Autumn 2001
Schooldays in Bushey Shirley Childs, George Cusack and Anthony Wildig recall their childhood schools
- Scouting in Bushey in the 1930-40s John Storey was a Cub Scout in the 1930s
- Bushey Flower Show The Oral History Group recorded the recollections of Herbert Thornton
- The Lady in the Lake - and After Kenneth Warr 'saved' Miss Attenborough
- Memories of Bushey - The Fishmongers Arms and more by Wilf How
- The Role of a Museums' Officer Julie Massey describes herself as a 'good swimmer'. Discover why.
- More Recollections of World War 2 Tony Toms, Wilf How, Jean King, Frank Gillett
- Mostyn at Cyfarthfa Castle Chris Jordan finds a portrait
- Herkomer and the Royal Prefix New research from Michael Pritchard
- Bushey Grange Janet Murphy records the decline of an estate
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No. 1 - Autumn 2000
The Bushey Millenium Embroidery An update by Anne Blessley on the Embroidery project and associated photographic competition
- 'The Bushey Story', a community play Jane Parker, the Administration Officer at the Museum, tells us what it was like to take part
- Memories of Bushey in the 30s and 40s A fascinating insight by Dennis Ranscombe
- Remembering Lululaund by Vernon Toms
- The cost of saving Lululaund Thoughts by Frank Gillett
- Where did the name Lululaund come from? Bryen Wood has some thoughts on the matter
- William Coldstream and the Bushey anti-aircraft units Chris Jordan summarises the responses to an earlier Newsletter item
- Have you visited the National Army Museum? Chris Jordan has
- The Women's Land Army 1939-1950: forgotten heroines by Ernest Burdis
- Bushey Museum's Education Services The Museum's Education Officer, Marion Gee, reports on.
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1st Series - No. 8 - Winter 1994-5
What's so special about a brick? asks Chris Jordan, sitting in a queue of traffic on Chalk Hill, gazing at an old brick wall
- Why stained glass windows don't fade Pat Simmonds answers a question you've always wondered about
- London Road School Kay Clark recalls her experiences of a less enlightened educational era than that enjoyed by Bushey children today
- 'Missing Herkomer portraits turn up in Hungary' so ran the headline in the Landsberger Tagblatt of 12 March 1994. Kate Morgan explains
- WHAM! Exhibition success Alec Just
- More memories from the 1930s prompted by Jim Singleton's article
- The Red House Another letter from 'Hertfordshire Countryside' written in the '60s by local historian TW Hedges
- Picture Postcards A short history by Bryen Wood on the occasion of the centenary year of the picture postcard
- As others see us A report of an organised visit to our Museum by 40 Friends of Harrow Museum came to Bushey Museum, written by Lorna Price
- Herkomer in Cheshire by Chris Jordan
- Garden Party 1994 Pictorial highlights through the lens of Albert Ridgeley's camera.
- The Mrs Barnet Interview Born in 1894, Mrs Emmeline Barnet lived for most of her life in Bushey. Jenny Just selected this from her childhood and working life memories recorded by pupils of Bushey Meads School
- How the Museum operates Only a year or so since opening, Alex Just describes how the Bushey Museum operates
- Bushey's Parish War Memorials by Bryen Wood
- Herkomer's Castle The sad demolishion of Lululaund in 1939, by Alec Just
- Herkomer landscape returns to Bushey after being 'lost' for a century by Bryen Wood
- Electric Lighting Patrick Forsyth draws our attention to an 1878 letter in the Times
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1st Series - No. 7 - Autumn 1993
Bushey Museum at last a reality! by Alec Just
- The Royal Masonic Schools in the Thirties and Forties Jim Singleton, a Lancashire lad, attended the Royal Masonic Junior and Senior Schools in Bushey from 1936 until 1941. Some very detailed memories of those times.
- William Henry Hunt A Royal Academy exhibition 'The Great Age of British Watercolours 1750-1880' with many fine pre-Herkomer Bushey pictures.
- News from the 15th Century by Grant Longman
- Beatrix Potter's Bushey perambulations by Chris Jordan
- The making of 'The Bushey Years' by Peter R H Ibbett
- The First Harlequin A less-known 'Harlequin' in Bushey, from Anne Blessley
- Herkomer in Leeds Chris Jordan popped into the City Art Gallery
- Change ringing on handbells in Bushey Robin Woolley tells a personal story of her involvement in a world in which Bushey has a special claim to fame ...
- Bushey personalities remembered from the other side of the world George Cusack writes about some of the Bushey folk he knew in his youth and others he would like to know more about.
- Bushey Hall Golf Club Pig Club 1941-1953 John Hodgkins describes a long forgotten wartime Bushey self-help group
- Mr Robert Peters - Bushey Policeman He was a Bushey policeman in the 1920s. He was interviewed by pupils of Bushey Meads School, it was transcribed and published as 'Bushey Eyewitness' in 1973. Jenny Just selected this extract.
- Faces and Places around Bushey Grant Longman reviews this year's Festival Exhibition
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1st Series - No. 6 - Winter 1992
'A tremendous asset for Bushey' Hertsmere's new MP visits Bushey Museum-in-the-making
- Animals in Bushey Art Grant Longman reviews the 1992 Summer Festival Art Exhibition
- Van Gogh and Herkomer Chris Jordan tells us that the young Van Gogh was influenced by Herkomer during his 1870's visit to England
- 'A look back with pleasure' Gawan Vesey recalls the many events he has enjoyed since the foundation of the Friends in 1985.
- Bushey Churchyard Flora A review of the plants, shrubs and trees, by Grant Longman
- Of gown & town and other things Bushey born and bred George Cusack and Terry Toms emigrated separately to Australia - and made contact with each through the Journal!
- The old Red Lion A late 1970's letter written to Hertfordshire Countryside magazine by T W Hedges, and selected by Jenny Just
- Pat on Art Bushey's claim to fame lies in its art heritage: Pat Woollard gives some of her thoughts.
- The Not-So-Good Old days An interesting comparison of the cost of groceries between 1992, 1970 and 1953
- Bushey in the late 1940s Ivy Hassell, who lived in the Reveley Almshouses, recalls her time as a Council employee at Rudolph Road in the late '40s, and more.
- 'Thought for the Day ' A transcript of a broadcast talk given by The Rt Rev Richard Harries, Bishop of Oxford
- Singing in Landsberg Grant Longman describes a choral visit to Bushey's 'cultural twin town', Landsberg-am-Lech in Bavaria
- Bushey's Woodpecker Bryen Wood researches a plaque featuring a woodpecker - which links to British warships
- Bushey Museum: progress towards the Opening By Grant Longman
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1st Series - No. 5 - Summer 1991
Three Bushey Artists (Trevor Haddon, Norman Hirst, Robert Norton Nance) and a photographer (WH Loather) by Grant Longman
- Museum progress by Alec Just
- Bavarian peasant girl watercolour by Herkomer, by Alec Just
- More memories of old Bushey from TW Hedges, by Jenny Just
- The bells of St James, Bushey Parish Church, by Alan J Luxford
- What’s Bushey going to be like in 1973?
- Rebuilding of St Peter’s by Bryen Wood
- Norman Hirst by Bryen Wood
- More farm memories by George Cusack
- Dr. Monroe’s Cottage Orné, by Grant Longman
- Reveley Lodge Garden Party, by Jenny Just
- Bushey Museum acquisitions in 1990 by Grant Longman
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1st Series - No. 4 - Summer 1990
The art of Miguel Mackinlay – Bushey in the '30s and '40s, by Grant Longman
- A Leisure Centre for the Mind, by Alec Just
- Margaret’s Landsberg Diary, by Margaret and Arthur Back
- Meeting Matty’s son, by Marion Cox
- Memories of old Bushey, from letters written by TW Hedges, by Jenny Just
- The Starmer Triptych, by Bryen Wood
- Lotts Bricks Ltd: scope for a monograph?, by Grant Longman
- Illustrations for Alice in Wonderland by Alice B. Woodward, by Grant Longman
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1st Series - No. 3 - Summer 1989
‘Lighting candles’ – prospect of converting Council Offices for the Museum, by Alec Just
- Herkomergravure ‘Ivy’ print, by Bryen Wood
- André & Sleigh studio, by Michael Pritchard
- Louie Burrell, 1873-1971, by Jim Murrell
- The Herkomer Art School, a personal account by Elizabeth Milner
- Herkomer Art School – new research, by Michael Pritchard
- Bushey College in Bushey High Street, by Bryen Wood
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1st Series - No. 2 - Winter 1988/1989
Chairman’s report on Museum progress, by Grant Longman
- Herkomerfest! - 1988 was a year of celebration for Sir Hubert von Herkomer by Alec Just
- Bushey goes to Landsberg in 1988 by Anne Blessley and Michael Pritchard
- Visitors from Landsberg in 1988 by Anne Blessley
- A land girl remembers: memories of war-time years as a Land Girl in Bushey's Coldharbour Farm, by Doris Phillipe
- A policemen's lot… a letter written by TW Hedges
- 'Looking forward with hope' - text of the speech by Franz Rössle, Oberbürgermeister of Landsberg at a dinner given by Hertsmere Borough Council
- Herkomer in Bushey by F H Barnes who wrote a series of articles called 'Herkomer's Bushey' for the Watford Observer in 1941
- Georgian Bushey: a versatile village. An article by Hugh Prince on Bushey's Militia Lists from the 18th Century, with an introduction by Bryen Wood
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1st Series - No. 1 - Summer 1988
Bushey Festival Art Exhibition: 'Kate Cowderoy and her Circle' by Grant Longman
- Chairman's Report for 1987 by Grant Longman
- Louie Burrell, 1873-1971 'An Edwardian Painter - Lost & Found' by Chris Jordan
- Hersmere initiatives: Exhibitions in the Council Chamber, Rudolph Road, by Grant Longman
- Hard Times - Social Realism in Victorian Art': a report by Michael Pritchard on an exhibition shown at Manchester's City Art Gallery
- Recent Acquisitions byBushey Museum Trust, by Bryen Wood
- More on Merry Hill: more school memories from Alan Blair, Lesley Fisher, Joan Gunton and KFC Hedges
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