Friends' Contribution: Artworks donated with funds raised by the Friends of Bushey Museum

Council Chamber
22nd January – 11th June 2022
Exhibition Organisers: Pat Woollard & John Gerry.
The formation of the Friends of Bushey Museum was in November 1985 and in the Friends’ Newsletter of February 1986 the aims and activities were listed. The role of the Friends was to be supportive of the work of the Bushey Museum Trust and the intention was to hold talks and lectures, arrange social events, to visit places of interest, to help with research and preparation and manning of exhibitions and, not least, to raise funds so that when it would be necessary for the Trust to purchase items, the Friends would be able to help.
And help they did, and this exhibition not only displays the artworks the Friends financed, it also demonstrates the time, energy, hard work and dedication so many Friends in the years have willingly given to make Bushey Museum an outstanding cultural centre of local history and art.