All 'Friends', i.e. members of the Friends of Bushey Museum, are welcome to come along to the Meetings, Events and Outings listed below: some need pre-booking, others - just come along on the day! If you want more information about any of these events, have a look in the regular 'Meetings, Exhibitions, Outings and Events' leaflet sent to all Friends. It also includes details of who to contact for each event.

Want to join the Friends?
If you wish to join the Friends please visit the Friends of Bushey Museum page here. All Members receive the 3-monthly Newsletter and Events Leaflet listing all future events.


Saturday 5th April 2025
A Workshop with Sian Fenwick

In the Frobisher Studio, at rear of the Museum, from 10am to 4 pm

  • A one-day workshop with Sian Fenwick exploring Paper Collage, inspired by works in the Museum collection. Cost £25 per person. To book, phone Rita Castle on 01923 236852

Thursday 8 May 2025
VE Day - 80 Years Celebration
At the Bushey Museum, open 11am to 4pm

  • VE Day (Victory in Europe) commemorates the end of World War II in Europe. We are planning a 1940s themed day at the Museum with suitable celebrations.


Saturday 21 June 2025
Visit to Charleston House
The first suggestion is a visit to 'Charleston farmhouse' at Firle in East Sussex. This was the home of Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant of the Bloomsbury set. Click here to download the Booking Form.

Saturday 22 November 2025
Outing to 'Christmas at Kew'
Outing by coach. Last year we booked to see the Christmas Lights display at Kew Gardens - but sadly a severe storm forced Kew to cancel the event for the day we were due to go. Tickets sell out rapidly, as early as May. Click here for more details.
To those who were disappointed last year, and others who are interested to go this year, please help the organisers estimate the number of places required by phoning: Anne Eames on 020 8950 2609. or email

Date to be decided
Outing to William Morris Gallery
Some Friends have proposed a visit to the William Morris Gallery in Walthamstow, which celebrates its 75th year in 2025. Built in the 1740s, the Grade II* listed building was William Morris's family home from 1848 to 1856 and now serves as the only public Gallery devoted to William Morris. Following a major redevelopment, the Gallery re-opened in 2012. Please let us know if you are interested.


To be added