The Heritage Lottery Grant is announced, with Bryen Wood and others.
The Heritage Lottery Grant is announced.
The Studio still located in Glencoe Road, Bushey.
The Studio in Glencoe Road, Bushey.

Early in 1999 the Frobisher Studio in Glencoe Road was seriously deteriorating and although it was patched up from time to time, it had become uneconomic to consider restoring it. However, the owner, Nick Browne, wished to find a way to save it and if possible increase its use. In discussion with Bryen Wood of Bushey Museum & Art Gallery, the idea was conceived to move the Studio to the Museum site, restoring it in the process. A report from a structural engineer, Ian Mackay stated that such a project was feasible. The only site available was a derelict plot behind the Museum partly occupied by a World War 2 shelter, which the Museum also wished to restore. A difficult dilemma was averted when a detailed survey by architects John Craig Gray and Annette Schmidt showed that the Studio could fit alongside the shelter. The Museum found it very difficult to find building companies interested in taking on the project. But after seeking advice from the Hertsmere Conservation Officer Bill Tyler, the Museum engaged the local architectural practice of Counter & King, who found specialist companies willing to tender. Planning Permission was applied for and subsequently granted with no restrictions. More detailed plans and a specification were drawn up and the Museum had a much better idea of the scale of the project and the amount of funding that was needed. Nick Browne offered some financial support and the decision was taken to apply to the Heritage Lottery Fund. David Whorlow, Museums Officer from Hertsmere Borough Council, was asked to lead the project. The application involved input from many people from the Museum, Hertsmere Borough Council and letters of support from many local interested parties. The bid was finally submitted in August 2005 and in December 2005, the Museum found out that the Heritage Lottery Fund application was successful as a joint project with Hertsmere Borough Council.

Still clearing the Studio.
Clearing the Studio
Clearing the Studio.
Clearing the Studio

February 2006
The Studio was cleared by a team from the Museum in February 2006 and work formally began in May 2006 by the contractors Stress UK Ltd.







Even more of dismantling the Studio.
Dismantling the Studio
More of dismantling the Studio.
Dismantling the Studio
Dismantling the Studio.
Dismantling the Studio











Dismantling the studio roof.
Dismantling the studio
Dismantling the studio floor.
Dismantling the studio

July 2006
By mid July the roof of the Studio was off and the inside panelling had been removed.







Details of identifying the Studio timbers.
Identifying the timbers
Identifying the studio timbers.
Identifying the timbers

Everything had been numbered or lettered to help with reassembling at the Museum site, like a giant jigsaw!








Finishing the concrete base behind the museum.
Laying the concrete raft
Laying the concrete raft behind the Museum.
Laying the concrete raft
Preparing the ground behind the Museum.
Preparing the ground

September 2006

One of several changes to the original plans was the requirement to build a retaining wall at the new site to protect the nearby buildings. This caused some delay to the project and was only finished by September 2006 along with a concrete raft for the foundations.

Placing the roof timbers at the Museum site.
Placing the roof timbers
Putting up the scaffolding tower at the Museum site.
Putting up the scaffolding tower
Erecting the timber framework at the Museum site.
Erecting the timber framework

November 2006

By the beginning of November the walls were up on the new site and the roof trusses and purlins were on. Unfortunately the original tie bar could not be reused and so the Studio had to be temporarily wired together to prevent it spreading further apart whilst new ones were ordered.

Putting back the inside cladding at the Museum site.
Putting back the inside cladding
Putting back the inside cladding at the Museum site.
Putting back the inside cladding
Installing the window frames at the Museum site.
Installing the window frames

January 2007

The building was by now watertight and secure and much of the insulating lining had been put inside the walls.

Another unforeseen complication for the project came about when the Museum was visited by the Hertsmere Building Enforcement Officer to investigate a complaint that the new Studio roof was too dazzling in the sun! This was solved by painting the High Street side of the roof.


Putting back the inside cladding at the Museum site.
Putting back the inside cladding
Putting back the inside cladding at the Museum site.
Putting back the inside cladding











Finishing touches: adding the 'Frobisher School of Painting' sign at the Museum site.
Finishing touches
Laying the Studio floor at the Museum site.
Laying the floor

March 2007

The floor had been placed having been strengthened and repaired.

When the Studio was being dismantled, traces of the original finishes were discovered. It was decided to reproduce these as closely as possible but using new fire retardant paints so inside, the upper walls were painted in cream and the lower section was stained a dark brown.





The Studio complete in its new home!
The Studio in its new home!
Decorated and cleaned at the Museum site.
Decorated and cleaned
Fitting new lamps at the Museum site.
Fitting new lamps

May 2007

The plan was always to be as authentic as possible with the Studio building, but the Museum recognised that it would need to be a fully functioning building. So whilst the original, badly deteriorated, heating stove was replaced with exactly the same model (a Portway Tortoise No. 5 found by Jim Craig Gray on the internet), modern gas fired central heating and modern lighting were also installed. The railings for the access ramp were installed in April and the last of the fittings were installed in May. The exterior was painted green to match the original colour with ivory doors and window frames.

The Studio was formally reopened in June 2007 by the Mayor of Hertsmere and July saw the return of the original Wednesday Art Group, successor to the Frobisher School of Painting all those years ago.

A picture called 'Interior of the Frobisher Studio, Bushey' by Margaret B. Spark.
‘Interior of the Frobisher Studio, Bushey’ by Margaret B. Spark, Bushey Museum and Art Gallery.
A picture called 'The Frobisher Studio, Bushey' by Margaret Spark.
‘The Frobisher Studio, Bushey’ by Margaret Spark, Bushey Museum and Art Gallery.

The Bushey Museum collection includes some paintings of the Frobisher Studio painted by Margaret B. Spark (1927–2002). You can see them on the Art UK website. Click on the two pictures for more information at the Art UK website!